“Empowering students through educationalenhancement with 3D printing technology” (ESTEM-3D)

2023-1-CY-KA210-SCH-8A01F589 ESTEM-3D is an Erasmus+ funded project, whose goal is to assist disadvantaged areas, including schools, educators, and students, in learning about 3D printing technologies. While 3D printing is still a developing technology, it has already begun to excite students when present. The ESTEM-3D project trains educators to expand 3D printing in secondary schools, fostering

2nd Mobility – Luton

Mobility A2 took place in Luton  UK,  from 10 to 14 December 2022. This was the final element of the project. Each original written story had been recast as a graphic and then a podcast or video, and all the country teams came together again to celebrate and share the results. Outputs and achievements were

1st Mobility – ATHENS

The 1st mobility took place in Athens from 19 to 25 May 2022. Partners from the following  organisations were present:  You Press (UK); ABCD (Armenia); EDRASE (Greece) ;  Youth Spirit Centre (Jordan);  European Initiatives Centre (Ukraine);  It was a training course where participants learned  about ScribersHive, review results of the UK and international pilot projects

Scribers Hive 2020: exploring and representing cultural difference through creative media

Project ref. 2019-3-UK01-KA105-077769 Project Summary ScribersHive has already been developed and successfully piloted by You Press http://youpress.org.uk as a youth media activity in the UK and internationally with an Erasmus+ KA1 project in 2018-19. It involves 3 activities: (a) writing an article on youth social or cultural issues; (b) creating graphics (comic strips) based on

Joint Position Paper

Why was this program made?Popular scientific knowledge is knowledge provided to the general public. The purpose of popular science is to inform citizens about the importance of scientific achievements and their results.The link between science and society is becoming even closer. Knowledge is not meant to remain “locked up” in scholarly articles, but shared with

2022 Meeting in Bari

The fourth and final live meeting of the program partners took place in Bari, Italy, on 20 and 21 October 2022. During the work of the meeting, all the ”Scientific cafes” implemented by the partners were evaluated, and the short (Bite Size) videos on each topic from each partner were presented. Were also defined the

2022 Meeting in Prague

The live meeting of the program managers with the other partnership partners, was held in Prague, Czech Republic, from May 13 to 15, 2022. At the meeting, was assessed the course of the program so far, was discussed the organization of the 3rd and last Science cafe event in each country, its topics, were discussed