Science cafe: Objectives – Activities

✓ to grow and develop the knowledge and qualifications of adults who have completed or stopped formal education
✓ to encourage people to take more active roles towards engaging with science and technology issues that may affect every day life
✓ to break barriers promoting equal opportunities for adults over 45 years old

✓ to introduce the use of bite size learning as a supplement to formal education, a new form of nonformal education that is totally mobile, flexible and easy to take up by a very wide variety of learners including those who wants to develope themselves.


✓ To organize 15 science café live events
✓ To create 18 bite-size learning videos after each science café event with the same subject
✓ Create a joint position paper about the effectiveness/comparison of science café events and bite-size learning.
✓ To organize a short term joint staff training event (3 days) about key competences in Science Café & bite-size learning
✓ To organize 5 multiplier local events in every partner countries.

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